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Quick flip a shape to the other side of a line - Mirror Flip Shape |
Decription: Select a shape and then a line. Shape will be flipped to the other side of the line no matter what angle the line is.
Date: 2011-01-21 Author: John
Option Explicit
Sub mirrorIt() 'begin
End Sub
Private Sub flipIt()
Dim sr As ShapeRange, s1 As Shape, leftOrRight As String
Dim x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double
Dim xC As Double, yC As Double, dS2L As Double
Dim s As Shape, s2 As Shape, angle As Double, sNew As Shape
Dim srFinal As ShapeRange
Set sr = getSelectionShapes()
If sr.count <> 2 Then Exit Sub
ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "flipIt"
sr.GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h
Set s1 = sr(1)
Set s2 = sr(2)
If s2.Type <> cdrCurveShape Then s2.ConvertToCurves
s2.Curve.Segments(1).GetPointPositionAt xC, yC, 0.5
'get angle of rotation using function that gets perpendicular angle from line segment.
angle = getAngle(s2) * -1
Set s = sr.Group
'get center rotation point which we use now and when rotating back
'rotation put is in the middle of line segment.
s.RotationCenterX = xC: s.RotationCenterY = yC
s.Rotate angle
If s1.CenterX < s2.CenterX Then 'flip the duplicate shapes left or right based on the items horizontal position.
leftOrRight = "r"
leftOrRight = "l"
End If
sr.AddRange flipSide(sr, leftOrRight) 'flip in the flip funcction!
sr.RotationCenterX = xC: sr.RotationCenterY = yC
sr.Rotate -angle 'rotate both back to original palce
End Sub
Private Function flipSide(ByRef sr As ShapeRange, rl As String) As ShapeRange
Dim s1 As Shape, sDup As Shape
Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double, w1 As Double, h1 As Double 'entire selection shape
Set flipSide = CreateShapeRange
sr.GetBoundingBox x1, y1, w1, h1
ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft
Set sDup = sr.Group.Duplicate
sDup.Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
If rl = "r" Then
sDup.SetPosition x1 + w1, y1
sDup.SetPosition x1 - w1, y1
End If
Set flipSide = sDup.UngroupEx
End Function
Private Function getSelectionShapes() As ShapeRange
Dim Shift As Long
Dim bClick As Boolean
Dim s As Shape
Dim x As Double, y As Double
Dim dTol As Double
dTol = 0.1 ' select shape tolerance
Set getSelectionShapes = CreateShapeRange
'MsgBox "Select shape first and then line second" '(optional)
While Not bClick
bClick = False
bClick = ActiveDocument.GetUserClick(x, y, Shift, 10, False, cdrCursorEyeDrop)
If Not bClick Then
Set s = ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(x, y, True, dTol)
End If
If s.Shapes.count < 1 Then
Dim mRetry As Integer
mRetry = MsgBox("No shape selected. Try again?", vbOKCancel, "GDG")
If mRetry = 1 Then
GoTo retrySelectPath:
Exit Function
End If
End If
getSelectionShapes.Add s.Shapes(1)
If getSelectionShapes.Shapes.count = 2 Then GoTo exitLoop:
End Function
Private Function getAngle(s As Shape) As Double
If s.Type <> cdrCurveShape Then s.ConvertToCurves
getAngle = s.Curve.Segments(1).GetPerpendicularAt(0.5)
End Function
Title: Super Mirror Many Shapes
Comment left by: capacitor
Date: 2015-02-26 |
Comment left:
Private Const VK_SHIFT = &H10
Sub SuperMirror()
Dim sr#, sRX#, sRY#, mR#, mRX#, mRY#, x#, y#, x1#, y1#, w1#, h1#, mx#, my#, sx#, sy#, _
Shift As Long, B As Boolean, G As Boolean, N As Boolean, smith As Shape, mySh As Shape, dup1 As Shape, p#
On Error GoTo TheEnd
B = True: G = False: N = False \'G(grouped), N(smith selected)
ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (\"No shapes selected\"), vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup \"S-Mirror\"
Optimization = True
If ActiveSelection.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
G = False: GoTo 1001 \'is group detected
End If
If ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count > 1 Then
G = True \'group them
End If
Set mySh = ActiveShape
mySh.GetPosition mx, my
If B Then
B = ActiveDocument.GetUserClick(x, y, Shift, 15, False, 309) \'cdrCursorEyeDrop
Set smith = ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(x, y, True)
If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then Beep: N = True: GoTo TheEnd
Set smith = smith.Shapes.Last
End If
sRX = smith.RotationCenterX
sRY = smith.RotationCenterY
sr = smith.RotationAngle
smith.RotationAngle = 0
smith.GetPosition sx, sy
p = mx - sx \'posX mySh - posX smith
Set dup1 = mySh.Duplicate
dup1.Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
dup1.OrderFrontOf mySh
dup1.PositionX = sx - p
dup1.RotationCenterX = sRX
dup1.RotationCenterY = sRY
If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) Then
dup1.Rotate 180
End If
dup1.RotationAngle = dup1.RotationAngle sr * 2
dup1.GetBoundingBox x1, y1, w1, h1
smith.RotationAngle = sr
\'recover rotation center points
dup1.RotationCenterX = x1 (w1 / 2)
dup1.RotationCenterY = y1 (h1 / 2)
If G Then dup1.Ungroup: mySh.Ungroup
Optimization = False
If G And N Then dup1.Ungroup: mySh.Ungroup
Optimization = False
End Sub \'---------------JRM2014
Title: mirror shapes
Comment left by: capacitor
Date: 2015-02-24 |
Comment left:
Sub SuperMirror()
Dim sr#, sRX#, sRY#, mR#, mRX#, mRY#, x#, y#, x1#, y1#, w1#, h1#, mx#, my#, sx#, sy#, _
Shift As Long, B As Boolean, smith As Shape, mySh As Shape, dup1 As Shape, n#
On Error GoTo TheEnd
B = True
ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("No shapes selected"), vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "S-Mirror"
Set mySh = ActiveShape
mySh.GetPosition mx, my
If B Then
B = ActiveDocument.GetUserClick(x, y, Shift, 15, False, 309) 'cdrCursorEyeDrop
Set smith = ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(x, y, True)
If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then Beep: GoTo TheEnd:
Set smith = smith.Shapes.Last
End If
sRX = smith.RotationCenterX
sRY = smith.RotationCenterY
sr = smith.RotationAngle
smith.RotationAngle = 0
smith.GetPosition sx, sy
Optimization = True
n = mx - sx 'posX mySh - posX smith
Set dup1 = mySh.Duplicate
dup1.Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
dup1.OrderFrontOf mySh
dup1.PositionX = sx - n
dup1.RotationCenterX = sRX
dup1.RotationCenterY = sRY
If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) Then
dup1.Rotate 180
End If
'if not ignore smith rotation
dup1.RotationAngle = dup1.RotationAngle + sr * 2
dup1.GetBoundingBox x1, y1, w1, h1
smith.RotationAngle = sr
'recover rotation center points
dup1.RotationCenterX = x1 + (w1 / 2)
dup1.RotationCenterY = y1 + (h1 / 2)
Optimization = False
Optimization = False
End Sub