GDG Save Em! by John for X4 and X5
Now you can work on all of your graphics on one page. When your ready, open up GDG Save Em an quickly save each to it's own file. Wait, you just want to save the shapes but not the text, and only the red shapes you say. No problem. With the many filters options you can save just the shapes with a red fill if you choose. Or exclude the rectangle borders. No problem, the filters have you covered. Many other options include saving as a specific CorelDraw version, saving each page as a file, only selected items as files...you get the picture. You can use this instead of the default CorelDraw save dialog and save your file, your way, quickly and easily, just how you want to!
Note: Make sure to leave the radion button in the filters section on "exclude" if not using filters, or nothing will be saved. "Include" option only saves items that match filter.
NEW: Now saves as CDR, EPS, and AI files!
Price: $14.99