GDG Macros, CorelDraw VBA Macros, Visual Basic for Applications in Corel Draw, Macros for you!

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NEW. GDG Macros Suite 2023.
Please note: Macros 2023 (and above if their will be any) will no longer be sold separately.
Join me on Facebook to stay up to date with news, updates. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for tutorial videos and tips. Need a custom macro? Contact me.
Not all macros are guaranteed to be continued due to compatibility reasons or other. Read new-version policy here.
I appreciate everyone! Upgrading macros and maintaining this site is quite a task for me. Want to contribute? Please DONATE
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FREE Macros! | Macros X5 & X4 | Macros for X6 | Macros for X7 | Macros for X8 | Macros for v.2017 | Macros for v.2018 | Macros for v.2019 | Macros for v.2020 | Macros for v.2022 | Macros for v.2023

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GDG Save Em for X6

GDG Save Em for X6

Now you can work on all of your graphics on one page. When your ready, open up GDG Save Em an quickly save each item to it's own file, or each page, or each item on every page. Wait, you just want to save the shapes but not the text, and only the red shapes you say. No problem. With the many filters options you can save just the shapes with a red fill if you choose. Or exclude the rectangle borders. No problem, the filters have you covered. Many other options include saving as a specific CorelDraw version, saving each page as a file, only selected items as get the idea. You can use this instead of the default CorelDraw save dialog and save your file, your way, quickly and easily, just how you want to!
NEW: Now the macro can save not only as CDR but EPS, and AI files as well, and at the same time. Many other new improvements and fixes to the X6 and X7 versions. This is the X6 version.


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corel macros boost workflow
*Searches the FREE and Commercial Macros

CorelDraw macros for version 2023

CorelDraw macros for version 2020

CorelDraw macros for version 2019

CorelDraw macros for version 2018

CorelDraw macros for version 2017

macros for coreldraw x8

macros for coreldraw x7

macros for corel draw x6

macros for corel draw x6


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